Aside from the holiday rush between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, spring always seems to be the busiest time of year.  Flowers are growing, yards and houses need work, kids are wrapping up school, transitions are happening, moves are planned – this list goes on and on. We’ve even got some activities planned to add to your calendar (read on, below)!  When things get busy, it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself and think about your wellness.  Below is an intro to a blog post I’ve written outlining the pillars to health.  Read on, enjoy your spring, and, as always, let us know if there’s anything we can do for you.

– Dr. Allison Edwards


I see people for a variety of reasons, and aside from the freak accident or turn of unfortunate luck, most issues addressed in primary care can benefit from taking a step back and re-focusing on the following pillars of health: Sleep well.  Drink water.  Eat plants.  Mitigate Stress.  Be active.  To continue to the full post, check out our (new!) Blog section on the website, where each pillar will be discussed in a separate post released over the next few weeks.


There are so many fun events planned in and around KCDPC in the coming months, come join in!

  • Spring into Health! Join us for a health fair featuring our in-house Dietitians from Streetsmart Nutrition and Chard in Charge and a medley of community organizations like the Rosedale Development Association, Balls Pharmacy, Bike/Walk KC and more!  We’ll have delicious samples to taste, programs for kids, and door prizes.  It’s at KCDPC, 2016 W 43rd Ave, KCK from 11-2P on Saturday, May 13, 2017.

  • Cooking with Anti-Inflammatory Superfoods: Dianna, of Chard in Charge, will be hosting a cooking class on May 22, 2017 focusing on anti-inflammatory superfoods; see details below and email her at to RSVP.

  • CSA: Speaking of cooking, if you love fresh, local produce and supporting a good cause, we’ve got a proposition for you.  We have the opportunity to be a Community Supported Agriculture pickup site for a recent New Roots for Refugees graduate, but we need 5 more people/families to sign up before we can secure it!  It’s $225 (small share) or $350 (large share) for a full summer’s worth of fresh produce. Email us if interested!

  • Free Blood Pressure Group Class: this class, open to KCDPC members and the community at large, focuses on how to use both medicine and lifestyle changes to bring your blood pressure closer to target and is presented by Balls Pharmacy.  Class participants will have the opportunity to schedule free one-on-one follow up visits with the pharmacists to assess adequacy of medicines, make lifestyle changes, and more!  Details TBA depending on the responses and availability of interested participants.  Let us know if you’d like to join in the fun!

  • Yoga: We are excited to announce we’ll soon be teaming up with Radiant Life Project to provide yoga classes at an affordable price. Stay tuned to learn more in next month’s newsletter.
  • New Face: Katie Green has joined the staff at Kansas City Direct Primary Care!  Her training and background are in Herbalism and community organizing (she formerly worked at the Rosedale Development Association) and she’s now in charge of managing the chaos created by a busy-yet-growing practice.  Next time you call, email, or stop by, make sure to say hi!

For the most up-to-date posts and event details, check out our Facebook page.

Lastly, we have enjoyed participating in the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business Celebration over the last few months.  The Top 10 Businesses were announced yesterday, and though we weren’t among the Top 10, we’ve certainly learned a lot about being a successful small business, met many other business owners, and have enjoyed the energy and positive feedback from everyone with whom we’ve interacted.  Thanks, as always, for your support!


Tell your friends, family, and associates!  When KCDPC members refer a new member into the practice and they stick around for 3 months, we say thanks by waiving your fees for a month.